How to Sell More Tequila Drinks in Your Bar

When you are planning to make the best craft tequila the specialty of your bar, you don’t just have to serve the best tasting tequila to your customers but you also need to learn the art of selling more tequila. This way, your customers tend to order it more than once – which is even more challenging than getting them to order the first glass of tequila. To help you out, we are sharing a few tips to sell more tequila or any other drink in your bar.

Know the Importance of Good Timing

For this, you need to delve a bit deeper into human psychology. For instance, if there are two people at a table, the person with the empty glass will inevitably look at the glass of another person at the table and perform a cost-benefit analysis. If the other person’s glass is two-thirds full, the person with the empty glass will most often decide that there is enough time to order a second drink and finish it by the time the other person will complete his/her. However, if the other person’s glass is less than half full or nearly empty, the person with the empty glass is less likely to order the second drink.

Thus, the general rule of thumb is to sell the person with an empty glass when his/her companion’s glass is as full as possible. The longer you wait, the less likely you are to make the second sale.

  • Learn How to Identify a Person with Premium Drink Choice

Identify the “Premium Purchaser” also depends somewhat on human psychology. When you aim to sell your best craft tequila more, you need to identify which person is most likely to order a premium drink.

For instance, when a server starts taking orders and the first person on the table orders a cheap drink, then the chances of others ordering a similar type of drink increases. However, the whole scenario changes if the first person decides to order a premium cocktail or neat tequila drink. In that case, there is a higher possibility that everyone else will match that order.

This means that the server needs to find the person who is most likely to order an expensive, best craft tequila drink and then wait as everyone else on the table follows the lead of that person.

  • Get Creative to Advertise Your Best Craft Tequila

Many people do not always know or decide in advance what drink they are going to order when they walk into a bar, nightclub, or restaurant. Thus, you have more freedom to influence their decisions by advertising properly and offering lucrative deals.

What matters most is the placement of your advertisement. Give these subtle cues and reminders as close as possible to the point of purchase, such as right on the table, next to the silverware, and, of course, at the entrance.

And lastly, we would recommend you to get creative while naming your best craft tequila, cocktail, or any drink you want. It should sound attractive and exotic. It is a great way to get your customers to pay more for a premium drink.

Selling more is indeed an art. When it comes to tequila, you have more flexibility to expand your imagination and come up with something that instantly grabs the attention of your customers.