Some Health Benefits of Tequila you were not Aware of!

We all have heard the fact that too much alcohol consumption is considered to be quite harmful to the overall health of our bodies in the long run. So, it might come off as a surprise, and a pleasant one at that, to many of you that drinking quality tequila in small doses every now and then, is actually proven to be beneficial for your health.

However, to enjoy all the benefits that are associated with drinking small doses of tequila, it is important to purchase quality tequila which is made from agave. Cheap and low-quality tequila doesn’t count so sorry if you were looking to get these benefits cheaply. All you are going to get with those bottles of tequila are cheap thrills.

So, before you start believing any word that has been said since the beginning of the blog, it is important to back it up with some hard facts and information regarding the topic of discussion. Below mentioned are some of the surprising health benefits associated with drinking tequila in small doses every once in a while.

  • Good for your bones:
    There have been certain studies and researches conducted in Mexico, which proves the fact that drinking tequila is actually good for your bones. The plant, from which tequila is made, that is, the blue weber agave plant, tends to contain substances that improve the absorption of magnesium and calcium in the body, both of which are considered to be essential for maintaining and improving bone health.
  • Helps in digestion:
    Another beneficial substance that the agave plant consists of is the high level of insulin. Insulin is known to be responsible for inducing better digestion by growing good bacteria in your body. Due to this specific benefit offered by tequila, there are some people who take a shot before a meal in order to enhance their metabolism process and get their meal digested in a better way.
  • Controls sugar level and promotes weight loss:
    Research and studies have also shown that tequila has the tendency to lower your blood sugar levels as well. The sugar in the agave plant, known as agavins, is responsible for doing that. Moreover, agavins also help people feel fuller and hence, control their appetite and makes them eat less. This is how tequila is known to promote weight loss.
  • Improved sleep:
    Even though tequila has the reputation of being the party drink, it is known to actually relax the drinker and help their nerves to calm down. And this is the very reason why it can work as something useful for insomniacs or anyone who has trouble sleeping at night. However, it is not recommended to become completely dependent on tequila or any one substance for inducing sleep.

These were only some of the many health benefits associated with drinking small doses of quality tequila. Now that you know a bit more about tequila, you would see it in a different light and maybe even take it in small doses frequently to make the most of it.